Thursday Coed 4s Volleyball League Schedule

Week 1 (May 30)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Sets on Fire vs. Coed Beach Volley

  • Court 2: Smitty's Slappers vs. Block & Awe

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Just the Tip vs. New Kids on the Bloc

  • Court 2: Hit Happens vs. Spike Wazowski

  • Court 3: The Bailey Bunch vs. The McTavish Marvels

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Gold Diggers vs. Net Ninjas

  • Court 2: Dirty Beaches vs. Muffin Stuffers

Week 2 (June 6)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Hit Happens vs. The McTavish Marvels

  • Court 2: Gold Diggers vs. Smitty's Slappers

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Spike Wazowski vs. Just the Tip

  • Court 2: Block & Awe vs. Coed Beach Volley

  • Court 3: The Bailey Bunch vs. Net Ninjas

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Muffin Stuffers vs. Sets on Fire

  • Court 2: New Kids on the Bloc vs. Dirty Beaches

Week 3 (June 13)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: The McTavish Marvels vs. Just the Tip

  • Court 2: Muffin Stuffers vs. New Kids on the Bloc

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Sets on Fire vs. Block & Awe

  • Court 2: Smitty's Slappers vs. The Bailey Bunch

  • Court 3: Dirty Beaches vs. Spike Wazowski

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Coed Beach Volley vs. Gold Diggers

  • Court 2: Net Ninjas vs. Hit Happens

Week 4 (June 20)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Gold Diggers vs. Block & Awe

  • Court 2: New Kids on the Bloc vs. Sets on Fire

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Just the Tip vs. Net Ninjas

  • Court 2: Dirty Beaches vs. The McTavish Marvels

  • Court 3: Spike Wazowski vs. Muffin Stuffers

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: The Bailey Bunch vs. Coed Beach Volley

  • Court 2: Hit Happens vs. Smitty's Slappers

Week 5 (June 27)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: New Kids on the Bloc vs. Spike Wazowski

  • Court 2: Sets on Fire vs. Gold Diggers

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Coed Beach Volley vs. Hit Happens

  • Court 2: Net Ninjas vs. Dirty Beaches

  • Court 3: Smitty's Slappers vs. Just the Tip

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Block & Awe vs. The Bailey Bunch

  • Court 2: The McTavish Marvels vs. Muffin Stuffers

Week 6 (July 4)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Spike Wazowski vs. Sets on Fire

  • Court 2: Hit Happens vs. Block & Awe

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: The Bailey Bunch vs. Gold Diggers

  • Court 2: Dirty Beaches vs. Smitty's Slappers

  • Court 3: Muffin Stuffers vs. Net Ninjas

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Just the Tip vs. Coed Beach Volley

  • Court 2: New Kids on the Bloc vs. The McTavish Marvels

Week 7 (July 11)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: The McTavish Marvels vs. Spike Wazowski

  • Court 2: Block & Awe vs. Just the Tip

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Gold Diggers vs. Hit Happens

  • Court 2: Muffin Stuffers vs. Smitty's Slappers

  • Court 3: Coed Beach Volley vs. Dirty Beaches

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Net Ninjas vs. New Kids on the Bloc

  • Court 2: Sets on Fire vs. The Bailey Bunch

Week 8 (July 18)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Coed Beach Volley vs. Muffin Stuffers

  • Court 2: Smitty's Slappers vs. New Kids on the Bloc

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Just the Tip vs. Gold Diggers

  • Court 2: The McTavish Marvels vs. Sets on Fire

  • Court 3: Block & Awe vs. Dirty Beaches

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Spike Wazowski vs. Net Ninjas

  • Court 2: Hit Happens vs. The Bailey Bunch

Week 9 (July 25)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: The Bailey Bunch vs. Just the Tip

  • Court 2: Coed Beach Volley vs. New Kids on the Bloc

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Block & Awe vs. Muffin Stuffers

  • Court 2: Smitty's Slappers vs. Spike Wazowski

  • Court 3: Net Ninjas vs. The McTavish Marvels

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Sets on Fire vs. Hit Happens

  • Court 2: Gold Diggers vs. Dirty Beaches

Week 10 (August 1)

6:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: New Kids on the Bloc vs. Block & Awe

  • Court 2: Net Ninjas vs. Sets on Fire

7:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: The McTavish Marvels vs. Smitty's Slappers

  • Court 2: Dirty Beaches vs. The Bailey Bunch

  • Court 3: Muffin Stuffers vs. Gold Diggers

8:00 PM Matches

  • Court 1: Just the Tip vs. Hit Happens

  • Court 2: Spike Wazowski vs. Coed Beach Volley